Welcome to Fishel Chiropractic

New Members

To ensure your visits to our office are extraordinary, here is what to expect during our time together for your first visit.


After you call to schedule your appointment, we will email you online intake forms. You will fill these out on a computer and submit them. The system will send them back to us, so there is no need for a printer on your end! We ask that you complete the Practice Member health history forms before your first visit so we can know you and your case before you walk in our doorr. Dr. Danielle will use this information to create your customized Care Plan. 


You will meet with Dr. Danielle to review your health history as well to create your vision of ideal living.


WHEW…you will not be prodded, poked, or pricked like a pincushion. You will receive a Comprehensive Chiropractic Examination, which aides Dr. Danielle in understanding the cause of your health challenge(s) and to create your customized Care Plan.


Dr. Danielle will share what she discovered about your health based on your Consultation and Exam. From there, she will provide your Customized Care Plan, which is the route for regaining and keeping your health. During that time, she will also share ways in which you can save money on your care. We find that it’s much easier to bring your spouse/significant other with you so that they can hear what Dr. Danielle reports concerning your health. As well, it’s best when your spouse/significant other can ask questions if they so desire. Plan to spend 30-minutes at our office during this visit. All other visits last about 10-15 minutes. We fully embrace that you do not live to get adjusted but rather get adjusted to FULLY LIVE!!


You will be checked for vertebral subluxation and if present you’ll get adjusted. It’s as simple as that.

We are honored to partner with you for an optimum living! You’ve done the hardest thing already…got here! It’s smooth sailing for you, and you’re in the right place.